A meeting of the Morris City Council will take place at the Morris Community Cener, 400 S. Hughes Ave., Morris, Oklahoma, on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
Call to order.
Roll call and establishment of quorum.
Review, discussion, and approval/disapproval of October 8, 2024, meeting minutes.
Review, discussion, and approval/disapproval of October 28, 2024, special meeting minutes.
Review, discussion, and approval/disapproval regarding the authorization for the payment of claims.
Monthly report of activity from city departments
Police Department
Fire Department
Vote on possible executive session on the following items:
Possible executive session to discuss the employment, hiring, appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplining, or resignation of city personnel as pursuant to Title 25 of Oklahoma ยง307 (B) (1). Discussion of personnel in the MPWA (Kyle Armitage) and the Police Department (Kenny Boyd and Kyle Hanley).
Vote on coming out of executive session.
Discussion and possible action in relation to executive session.
Review, discussion, and approval/disapproval regarding acceptance of recension of bid approval on water replacement project REAP Grant #2023 due to a change in the scope of the project and the acceptance of the original bid.
Review, discussion, and approval/disapproval regarding recension of acceptance of bid on paving project REAP Grant #2024.
Review, discussion, and approval/disapproval regarding Okmulgee County District #3 to complete Paving Project REAP Grant #2024.
Review, discussion, and approval/disapproval of request by Josh Swarey, aka Brown Barn LLC for right of way easement.
Motion to adjourn.