Important Notice! Please go here for further information.  

Welcome to the City of Morris!

The Little City with a Big Welcome!

Morris is a thriving town, established in 1904 with a population of 1,299 (2020). We welcome you and hope that you will become involved in the community and enjoy all that Morris has to offer.

Please contact the Police Department for an after-hours water leak.

Useful Contacts | For Emergencies Call 911

Morris City Hall 918-733-4222
Police Dept 918-733-2220
Okmulgee County Sheriff 918-756-4311
Morris Fire Dept 918-733-2500
U.S. Postal Service 918-733-2224
Morris Public Schools 918-733-9027
Morris Public Library 918-733-2222
Morris Tag Agency 918-733-1365
PSO (Electric Company) 888-216-3523
OK Natural Gas (ONG) 800-664-5463
Senior Citizens (Morris Nutrition Center) 918-733-2040
Mabrey Bank 918-802-1800